Birth & Death Records


Portage County Board of Health

Board Members

Name Title/Role Year Appointed
Lucy Ribelin
President (Ravenna City)
James Bierlair
Vice President
Amy Everett
Charles Delaney
Dr. Philip Keyser
Member (Aurora City)
Linda Grimm
Member (Streetsboro City)
Brock Kertoy
Diana Clarke

The role of the Board of Health is to adopt policies and to make such orders and regulations as are necessary for the promotion of health and prevention of disease and the abatement or suppression of nuisances. The Board shall make such orders and establish such policies as are needed for the administration of the health district in meeting the stated mission, goals, and standards of the Ohio Department of Health, and requirements of the Ohio Public Health Council.

Board Organization

  • There are eight members on the Board of Health. Five members represent the County, and three members each represent the cities of Aurora, Ravenna and Streetsboro.
  • Five members are appointed by the District Advisory Council of the Portage County Township Trustees and Village Mayors.
  • The three members representing Ravenna, Aurora and Streetsboro are appointed by their respective mayors with approval of council. A single term of each member is five years. A member may be appointed for more than one term.
  • The Board of Health appoints the Health Commissioner who serves as Secretary to the Board and is also the Chief Executive Officer of the Health District.
  • The number of employees necessary to perform all functions are hired by the Board upon the recommendations of the Health Commissioner.

Board Meetings

The Board of Health meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the Portage County Health District basement conference room located at 999 East Main Street, Ravenna, Ohio 44266.

The next BOH meeting will be held in the basement conference room on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.

Meeting Minutes

Six Functions of the Board of Health

1. Administration

  • The Board defines the organization’s purpose by establishing a clear statement of mission.
  • Determines policy of the organization.

2. Program Planning and Budgeting

  • The Board defines specific needs to be addressed and target populations to be served.
  • Establishes goals and objectives in order of priority, consistent with the mission.
  • Develops a realistic budget to support the program plan.
    Adapts the program plan and budget annually.

3. Evaluation of Organizational Effectiveness

  • The Board regularly evaluates the accomplishments of the program plan.
  • Assesses the achievement of the overall mission.
  • Evaluates responsiveness to new situations.
  • Evaluates the degree of effectiveness of volunteer leadership.

4. Retention and Evaluation of the Executive Officer

  • The Board hires the executive officer.
  • Establishes compensation and conditions of employment.
  • Evaluates the executive officer’s performance regularly.

5. Financial Stewardship

  • The Board must take a lead in the development of financial resources.
  • Sets conditions and standards for all funds solicited in the agency’s name.
  • Exercises fiduciary care of the funds entrusted to the agency’s use.
  • Engages in sound long range financial planning.

6. Constituting the Community Connection

  • The Board represents the public interest.
  • Represents the interests of particular publics.
  • Represents the organization to the community.
  • Affords the community sanction to the agency and its programs.

District Advisory Council

There is hereby created in each general health district a district advisory council. A council shall consist of the president of the board of county commissioners, the chief executive of each municipal corporation not constituting a city health district, and the president of the board of township trustees of each township.

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