Birth & Death Records


Safe Communities

Safe Communities

Safe Communities was introduced to Ohio in December, 1996, as a conceptual strategy for comprehensive traffic injury control at the local level. The goal is to reduce preventable crashes by increasing seat belt usage, increase motorcycle safety awareness, reducing distracted and impaired driving.

Safe Communities is funded through Ohio Department of Public Safety and based on a three year average of fatal crashes. Portage County Safe Communities coalition is comprised of safety advocates including local, county, state law enforcement, ODOT, UH Portage Medical Center, MADD, Portage County Health Department, Portage County Coroner’s Office, Mental Health & Recovery Board, AAA, and local businesses.

The coalition meets the 1st Monday of every month – 9:30 a.m. at 999 East Main Street to provide input and participate in activities to reach the work scope and goals of the grant.

The Fatal Traffic Review Board, also a requirement of the grant, is responsible for reviewing all fatal crashes occurring in Portage County to identify trends and recommend countermeasures to reduce preventable crashes.

To learn more about Portage County Safe Communities, call Kylee at 330-296-9919, ext. 129.