Birth & Death Records


WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Program

Ohio WIC Locations

The Portage County Health District is the administrator for the Portage County WIC office and Columbiana County WIC office.

Portage County WIC Office

Columbiana County WIC Office

How to Qualify

Are you eligible for WIC? To qualify for WIC, you must be:

  • Pregnant, breastfeeding or have a baby less than six months old
  • Caregiver of an infant or child up to five years of age
  • Live in Ohio
  • Meet WIC income guidelines

This WIC prescreening TOOL will help you.

How to Apply

To apply for WIC, please call our clinic to schedule an appointment. You will need to bring the following:

  • Proof of household income
  • ID for all family members applying
  • Proof of address
  • If pregnant, proof of pregnancy with due date

 Need someone else to bring your child to WIC? Complete this WIC Authorized Representative Letter and sign the Welcome To WIC letter:

Authorized Foods

Ohio WIC Authorized Foods List

Ohio WIC Infant Authorized Food List

WICShopper App

WICShopper is a mobile app that lets you check your balance, scan products to verify that they are WIC-authorized, view Authorized Foods List, get recipe ideas, and more!

Shopping for WIC Benefits

In this how-to video, you’ll find details about utilizing the WIC Nutrition card and selecting WIC-approved items while you shop. We think it will make shopping much easier!

Nutrition Information

Complete your nutrition education from home:

Breastfeeding Support