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National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Overview

A discharging sewage treatment systems treats and then discharges treated effluent to a stream, ditch or other surface water body. An National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) permit must be obtained from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) Division of Surface Water whenever there is a discharge of treated or partially treated water to a surface water of the State. NPDES permits exist to regulate wastewater discharges by placing limitations on the quantity of pollutants that may be discharged and to establish monitoring requirements and other conditions. Federal regulations, Ohio water quality standards and NPDES permits were written to protect public health and the aquatic environment.

A homeowner that installs a replacement discharging sewage treatment system, and in limited cases a new discharge on an existing lot, must register for coverage under the general permit by submitting a notice of intent to Ohio EPA along with a registration fee. Certain conditions must be met for the property and discharge to qualify to legally receive NPDES permit coverage. These conditions are found under the “Limitations of Coverage” section of the permit.

Obtaining Permit Coverage - Information for Homeowners

The following fact sheet provides information on the eligibility requirements and what steps to take in the NPDES process, as well as NPDES system owner responsibilities.

The current General NPDES Permit OHK000003 went into effect on January 1, 2017 and is valid through December 31, 2021.

NPDES Forms: